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Physical contact

When you put your arms around your mother and hold her tight because you like her, you

dance with your mother

hug your mother

push your mother

If you move your hand slowly and gently over your pet, you

scrape it

squeeze it

stroke it

When a mother puts her arms around her baby and holds it close, she

cuddles her child

pulls her child

rebukes her child

When a boxer hits his opponent hard with his fist, he

slaps him

touches him

punches him

When you rub your friend´s body to make him relax or to stop his muscles from hurting, you

beat him

hit him

massage him

When the listeners at the concert hit their hands together to express appreciation, they




If an upset father hits his cheeky son with the palm of his hand, he

strokes him

slaps him

catches him

When an impatient mother holds her stubborn child firmly and moves it towards her, she

pulls it

cuddles it

caresses it

If you touch a physical object deliberately in order to find out what it is like, you

feel it

smell it

rip it

When you push your absent-minded friend gently with your elbow in order to draw her attention, you

pull her

punch her

nudge her

When a furious referee moves forcefully with his hands a dismissed player out of the football field, he

punches him

pushes him

slaps him

When a conductor hits lightly with his fingers on a dozing passenger´s shoulder, he

shakes it

taps on it

pulls it

When you move your fingers lightly over the body of your little child in order to make it laugh, you

tickle the baby

push the baby

hold the baby

If you push your naughty brother in the ribs with your finger, you

stroke him

poke him

squeeze him

When you press your grandmother´s arm protectively with your hand while going down the stairs in order to prevent any accident, you

shake her arm

pull her arm

squeeze her arm

When the police search suspects for hidden weapons by feeling their body with their hands, they

pull them

torture them

frisk them

When you move your hand backwards and forwards over your eyes while pressing them firmly, you

rub them

open them

poke into them

Physical contact
When you put your arms around your mother and hold her tight because you like her, you
dance with your mother
hug your mother
push your mother
If you move your hand slowly and gently over your pet, you
scrape it
squeeze it
stroke it
When a mother puts her arms around her baby and holds it close, she
cuddles her child
pulls her child
rebukes her child
When a boxer hits his opponent hard with his fist, he
slaps him
touches him
punches him
When you rub your friend´s body to make him relax or to stop his muscles from hurting, you
beat him
hit him
massage him
When the listeners at the concert hit their hands together to express appreciation, they
If an upset father hits his cheeky son with the palm of his hand, he
strokes him
slaps him
catches him
When an impatient mother holds her stubborn child firmly and moves it towards her, she
pulls it
cuddles it
caresses it
If you touch a physical object deliberately in order to find out what it is like, you
feel it
smell it
rip it
When you push your absent-minded friend gently with your elbow in order to draw her attention, you
pull her
punch her
nudge her
When a furious referee moves forcefully with his hands a dismissed player out of the football field, he
punches him
pushes him
slaps him
When a conductor hits lightly with his fingers on a dozing passenger´s shoulder, he
shakes it
taps on it
pulls it
When you move your fingers lightly over the body of your little child in order to make it laugh, you
tickle the baby
push the baby
hold the baby
If you push your naughty brother in the ribs with your finger, you
stroke him
poke him
squeeze him
When you press your grandmother´s arm protectively with your hand while going down the stairs in order to prevent any accident, you
shake her arm
pull her arm
squeeze her arm
When the police search suspects for hidden weapons by feeling their body with their hands, they
pull them
torture them
frisk them
When you move your hand backwards and forwards over your eyes while pressing them firmly, you
rub them
open them
poke into them

Autor testu je: kimka
Dátum vytvorenia: 14.2.2015
Test bol vyhodnotený: 224 krát

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