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Phrasal verbs

When the partnership BREAKS UP it

just begins

comes to an end

gets worse

Parents BRING UP their children. They

spoil them

give them money

educate them

She has PUT UP WITH her father´s irrational behaviour.

she has understood it

she has accepted it

she has started to pay attention to it

Please CARRY ON with your story.


stop talking

change the subject

Good friends never LET you DOWN. They never

help you

make you angry

disappoint you

His brother always STANDS UP FOR his younger sister. He

teaches her

defends her

punishes her

When aircraft TAKES OFF it

leaves the ground

decreases speed

does not move

She can´t go out, she must LOOK AFTER her children.

she prepares dinner for them

she takes care of them

she does their homework

They have TURNED DOWN my application for job. They have

accepted it

forgotten about it

rejected it

When you SIT UP until midnight reading book you

sit with straight back

sit on a high chair

do not go to bed until late

The cars SLOW DOWN at the traffic lights. They

decrease speed

increase speed

have a puncture

We have RUN OUT OF milk.

we have accidentally spilled milk over the floor

we have no more of it

milk has just become sour

HOLD ON I´ll call a taxi.

don´t be upset


take it easy

I waited for twenty minutes, but she didn´t TURN UP. She didn´t


say a word

listen to me

When children are GROWING UP, they

are getting fat

are abnormally tall

become adult

Robert MADE this story UP. He

forgot it

learned it by heart

invented it

The police have RULED OUT suicide.

they have excluded it because it was not possible

they have not been allowed to talk about it

they have been sure it was suicide

A company representative will CALL ON us next week. He will

send us a letter

visit us

invite us to dinner

Phrasal verbs
When the partnership BREAKS UP it
just begins
comes to an end
gets worse
Parents BRING UP their children. They
spoil them
give them money
educate them
She has PUT UP WITH her father´s irrational behaviour.
she has understood it
she has accepted it
she has started to pay attention to it
Please CARRY ON with your story.
stop talking
change the subject
Good friends never LET you DOWN. They never
help you
make you angry
disappoint you
His brother always STANDS UP FOR his younger sister. He
teaches her
defends her
punishes her
When aircraft TAKES OFF it
leaves the ground
decreases speed
does not move
She can´t go out, she must LOOK AFTER her children.
she prepares dinner for them
she takes care of them
she does their homework
They have TURNED DOWN my application for job. They have
accepted it
forgotten about it
rejected it
When you SIT UP until midnight reading book you
sit with straight back
sit on a high chair
do not go to bed until late
The cars SLOW DOWN at the traffic lights. They
decrease speed
increase speed
have a puncture
We have RUN OUT OF milk.
we have accidentally spilled milk over the floor
we have no more of it
milk has just become sour
HOLD ON I´ll call a taxi.
don´t be upset
take it easy
I waited for twenty minutes, but she didn´t TURN UP. She didn´t
say a word
listen to me
When children are GROWING UP, they
are getting fat
are abnormally tall
become adult
Robert MADE this story UP. He
forgot it
learned it by heart
invented it
The police have RULED OUT suicide.
they have excluded it because it was not possible
they have not been allowed to talk about it
they have been sure it was suicide
A company representative will CALL ON us next week. He will
send us a letter
visit us
invite us to dinner

Autor testu je: kimka
Dátum vytvorenia: 4.8.2015
Test bol vyhodnotený: 200 krát

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